10 Signs that Gluten is Damaging Your Health


10 Signs that Gluten is Damaging Your Health – Sign 8: Frequent Mood Swings This might sound surprising, but your digestive…

10 Signs that Gluten is Damaging Your Health

10 Signs that Gluten is Damaging Your Health – Sign 8: Frequent Mood Swings This might sound surprising, but your digestive system is literally considered your second brain; and as such, has the ability to influence your mood and behavior.

Both your brain and gut work alongside each other and are connected via the vagus nerve.

As it turns out, serotonin, which is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter and has a huge effect in your mood, actually has a massive concentration in your gut, or the so-called second brain.

This might explain why a lot of researchers keep on finding a connection between the imbalance of bacteria in the gut and depression.


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