How to Write a Perfect Blog Post

How to Write a Perfect Blog Post

(12 expert tips)

Have you ever read a great piece of content that really stuck with you? Are you wondering how to write a good blog post that makes an impact? Writing great blog posts isn’t easy. But it’s not rocket science either!

In today’s article, I’ll tell you what makes a good blog and share some tips on how to write a good blog post that’ll bring in a lot of traffic. So, let’s begin!

What Makes a Good Blog Post?

If you think that writing a good blog post just means using the right words, you’re mistaken.

There are a lot of other factors that contribute to making your blog post a success.

In fact, it’s possible (and even pretty common!) to be a great writer but not so great at blogging.

How’s that possible? Well, suppose you drafted an article that’s very well-researched and detailed and includes all the information your readers are looking for.

But it’s SO well-researched and informative that your paragraphs are really long and it’s hard to read. Maybe you forgot to add images or other media content in the fear of interrupting the flow of your article. Because it looks like a big wall of text, people are more likely to hit the “back” button than to stay and read the whole thing.

Do you think people would call that a good post?

So apart from the words themselves, you also need to consider…

  • How easy is it to read?
  • How visually engaging is the post?
  • How well does it answer your readers’ questions?
  • How will it keep attracting more traffic?

To help you publish an amazing piece, I’ll show you how to answer all these questions and more.

Ready? Let’s get started with our expert blog writing tips.

Expert Tips for Writing a Blog Post

Being a good writer is tough. But with a little practice and some research, it won’t take you long to join the ranks of other great bloggers.

So, let’s check out how you too can come up with a blog post that you have always wanted to create when you started a blog.

1. Choose a Good Topic

The first step towards writing a blog post is to pick a good topic.

You’ll need to find out what your followers want to know and read about, so your post will continue to get traffic after it’s published.

Try to base the post on reader feedback, a known problem in the industry, or competition analysis.

Platforms like BuzzSumo can help you figure out what topics are trending. Check out our list of SEO tools for more suggestions on how to come up with blog post ideas that are search engine optimized.

If you need help, here are some blog post ideas to get you started.

2. Do Your Research

Once you have your idea, make sure to research the front page of Google and your main competitors at this stage to see how you can improve on what’s out there. If you can’t write a high-quality post that’s better than theirs, don’t bother!

You don’t need to be an expert on the topic, but you do need to do your research to make sure you’re adding value.

3.Take Notes and Start an Outline

While you do your research keep a notebook handy where you can take down the important points and outline your topic.

Okay, if not a notebook at least keeps a Google doc tab open. I like using Google docs because, unlike using a notebook, I don’t have to bother about losing it.

4. Start Drafting Your Blog Post

Now that you have the outline, you can sit down to write your post. I generally like drafting it directly on my WordPress dashboard. It saves a lot of time and extra effort if I don’t have to copy and paste it from somewhere else later.

Are you struggling to start writing, or keep getting stuck or distracted? See our tips on how to write faster and you’ll be churning out more posts in no time!

5.Hook Your Readers with a Great Opening

If you can hook your readers with a good opening consider half your work to be done. Because if your introduction is boring, people wouldn’t bother to read the rest.

Many writers find it easier to write the body of the blog post first and save writing the intro for last.

A good way to write a great introduction is to pose a question addressing the reader’s problem. Then you can tell them how reading your post can help them tackle it.

This is a great way to grab your readers’ attention, and they’ll definitely want to read it till the end in the hope of finding the solution.

6.Write Like You Talk

Don’t overlook the style and tone of your writing. Both these elements can make a big difference.

Writing like you’re talking to your reader can make them feel like they’re having a conversation with someone, rather than actually reading a post.

Your readers will feel like you’re talking to them one-one-one to help them figure out a problem that you can relate to. This is great for building a loyal readership.

Read Much More Inside…

7.Make It Scannable

8.Use Images for Visual Engagement

9.Include a Compelling Call to Action

10.Add a Featured Image

11.Level Up Your SEO

12.Publish at the Right Time

13. Examples of Some Perfect Blog Posts

14. Do You Have a Perfect Blog Post?

Before you publish your next post, use our ultimate blog post checklist to make sure you create the perfect post.

If you liked this post, then be sure to check out guides on how to start a blog and how to install WordPress.

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Regards, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Addiction Counselor

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