Best Way Men Coping with Being Dumped


Best Way Men Coping with Being Dumped In some ways a breakup for a guy can be tougher than for a girl.

Best Way Men Coping with Being Dumped

Best Way Men Coping with Being Dumped In some ways a breakup for a guy can be tougher than for a girl. Why, is it because they feel things more deeply? No, it is because they think they must act macho and not show that they are in pain which makes it so much tougher to move on. 

Men will often do about everything wrong when they are trying to figure out best way men coping with being dumped. (“Best Way Men Coping with Being Dumped – Date2bite”)

Here are some things you should and should not do if you have been dumped by your woman:

Do not:

  1. Call, text, or ‘drop by’ all the time. If you do this too often it will move past the flattering stage, assuming she was ever flattered in the first place, and move into the creepy stalker stage. If you feel you must talk to her only, do it occasionally.


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