Why Is Your Artwork Garbage?

Why Is Your Artwork Garbage?

Why Is Your Artwork Garbage? – You’ve heard the phrase “garbage in, garbage out!” It’s also true when they say, “What You See Is What You Get!” The acronym is WYSIWYG!…

Having been in the digitizing logo business now for some twenty plus years, I’ve seen virtually all kinds and types of artworks. We all want and hope for the “camera ready” artwork to show up on our desk or computer files.

Fact is, we rarely see a “picture perfect” image and are usually expected to perform miracles on the fuzzy or pixilated design. Even with the latest software, some artwork can present a challenge to make certain applications ready.

Most of our clients (and I suspect yours too) don’t realize that you may not be able to achieve the same “look”, as compared to what they see on a printout.

Depending upon the application, an image may need to be altered to allow for better representation.


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