Wholesale – Is It Worth the Cost?

Wholesale – Is It Worth the Cost?

Wholesale – Is It Worth the Cost? – A rather devil’s advocate looks at whether or not buying wholesale is worth the cost of excessive inventory, if you truly don’t have the need for it.

If you’re reading the title of this article and wondering if it’s a misprint, it is not. Wholesale often comes at a cost that people don’t realize or don’t think about until it’s too late. This article will try to shed some light on some of the pitfalls of buying wholesale.

There is an old saying that goes, “You don’t get anything for nothing” and that is so true with buying wholesale. Let’s take a look at a few real-life examples and you’ll understand the problems you face.

For starters, you just can’t buy wholesale if you’re a regular Joe off the street. Meaning, you can’t walk into a wholesale store, walk up to an aisle, pick up a bar of soap, walk to the checkout and expect to pay wholesale for it.

You’d better be prepared to go back to that aisle and gather up a few cases of soap. Then you have a shot. Before that though, you need to have a membership.

Most wholesalers require that you pay a yearly fee for this privilege of being able to walk out of their store with 10 cases of Ivory Soap, which will probably take you 25 years to use unless you own a hotel.


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