Training the Fussy Eater

Training the Fussy Eater

Training the Fussy Eater

When it comes to eating, toddlers can be extremely fussy, rejecting new food half of the time. Most of the toddlers are like this and it is no surprise that food issues cause a lot of anxiety in parents. (“Todays Parenting – short description”)

Problems such as eating disorders and obesity can be avoided if healthy eating patterns are established early in life. “There are many ways of ensuring your child consumes a variety of foods.” (“Dealing | Parental advice”)

You may even need to offer a certain type of food to your child at least ten times before they finally agree to eat it. Many parents, unfortunately, give into frustration and give up after four or five tries. (“Dealing With Fussy Toddlers – How to Make Them Eat”)

You must make the food fun for the child. You can offer your growing toddler colorful foods such as raisins, carrot sticks, grapes, apples, crackers, and cheese sticks which he or she will find fun and interesting. You must explain to them in their language how tasty food can help them play longer and run faster by making them bigger and stronger. (“Dealing With Fussy Toddlers – How to Make Them Eat”)

Parents are usually the children’s role models and children try to emulate them. If you eat only a certain kind of food, your child will learn to have a restricted taste too. Do not let your preferences put a limit on your child’s food intake. (“Dealing With Fussy Toddlers – How to Make Them Eat”)

It is possible that yours and your child’s taste vary, and you might be serving them an item that they simply do not like. Always openly eat a wide variety of foods in front of your children so they might try to do the same. (“Dealing With Fussy Toddlers – How to Make Them Eat”)

If you have a healthy and energetic child, then they must be eating well. If you still feel unsure, keep watch over what and how much food they consume over the day. Unlike adults, children eat often and not just three meals per day. Snacks and handfuls can add up to quite a bit. To confirm, you can take your child to a pediatrician and check your child’s weight and height status. (“Dealing With Fussy Toddlers – How to Make Them Eat …”)

Do not worry too much because a child will always eat unless he or she is ill. They have particularly good judgment when it comes to hunger and fullness. Always be calm and patient during mealtimes and ensure your child has access to a fair variety of foods. You never know, you and toddler may find something in common. (“Dealing With Fussy Toddlers – How to Make Them Eat”)

Parental Control Check Your Kids

Our Ever-Changing Role as A Parent

Ever-Changing Role as A Parent

We watch our children grow right before our very eyes. It seems like yesterday they were a baby learning to crawl, walk, and feed themselves, and now they are in school, involved in activities, making friends, and learning to be increasingly independent. (“Parenting Positive Discipline”)

Parents before us have said that from the time they are born, we are constantly learning to let go. (“Our Ever-Changing Role as a Parent – Child Development …”) As a result, our parenting strategies must change. “As our child grows, develops, learns, and matures, so does our parenting role.” (“Our Ever-Changing Role as a Parent – Child Development …”)

As your child has grown, you undoubtedly have discovered they have their own unique personality and temperament.” (“Our Ever-Changing Role as a Parent — Example Parents …”) You have unconsciously redeveloped your parenting skills around the individual needs of your child.

And no two children are exactly alike, and therefore, neither should your parenting style. Some children may need more guidance and feel more unsure of themselves, so we have become used to having to guide, lead, show and encourage that child consistently through their childhood while still trying to encourage independence and give praise to build their self-esteem and confidence level. (“Our Ever-Changing Role as a Parent – Child Development …”)

Yet another child may be very intrinsically motivated and very willful and not need a great deal of guidance or leadership from you. While you encourage their independence, it is also important that you also encourage their ability to ask for help when needed and continue to praise charitable deeds, actions, and traits. (“Our Ever-Changing Role as a Parent — Example Parents …”)

The most important tools we must successfully adjust our parenting skills are our eyes and our ears. (“Our Ever-Changing Role as a Parent — Example Parents …”) We must see what is going on with our child and we must hear what they are telling us. It is important that we encourage our child to be their own individual while still being available to them at whatever level or degree they need us to be. (“Our Ever-Changing Role as a Parent – Parenting & Home”)

Sometimes it is situation specific as well. “A child may not need us to be as directly involved with their schooling to ensure their overall academic success, but they may need us to be more involved in their social life as they may be feeling a bit shaky or scared when it comes to making new friends or meeting new people.” (“Parenting Roles and How They Change Over Time – Growing Play”)

So, the bottom line is this: as your child grows and changes, so should your parenting skills. (“Your role as a parent should change as the child grows and …”) Keep your eyes and ears open and communicate honestly and openly with your child, and you will both mature gracefully.

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist

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