Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs

Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs

Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs – Eligibility – Applicants are limited to public agencies (including state agencies, units of local government, public universities and colleges, and tribal governments) and private organizations (including faith- and community-based nonprofit organizations.

The purpose of the OJJDP FY 2007 Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs is to foster innovations and advancements in juvenile justice and child protection- related practice at the local, state, and tribal government levels.

The goal of this program is to demonstrate the practical implications for policy and practice of substance abuse programs or strategies that enhance juvenile justice, child protection, and delinquency prevention.

Under this program, OJJDP will fund substance abuse programs or strategies that focus on prevention and/or intervention. OJJDP is particularly interested in programs or strategies that address substance abuse problems in an integrated, comprehensive, communitywide…


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