Online Timers and Parental Control

Parental Control Timers

Online Timers and Parental Control

With parental controls, you stay in control of what your child does online as well as what how long they are online in the first place. One of the tools that many internet service providers provide to you is that of an online timer. (“NEW PLR – “Instilling the Right Values PLR Ebook” Download!!”) This timer is a tool that you should consider for several reasons. (“Using Parental Control Wisely – Filthfilter”)

In many cases, it is a helpful tool that monitors how long your child has been online as well as enforces the limit that you place on that amount of time. You make the decisions, and you get to keep those rules going, too. (“NEW PLR – “Instilling the Right Values PLR Ebook” Download!!”)

Face it. You simply cannot monitor your teen online all day every day. If you are not home and they are online, they may be there the entire time. “The internet is full of things to do, websites to visit and lots of people to interact with.” (“Parental Control – How to Check Your Kids!”) It can become an extremely effortless way to push away the time without even knowing that you are doing it. “The internet does draw in children of all ages, but remember, your parental controls are in place to help provide you with the protection you need.” (“Online Timers and Parental Control – Todays Parenting”)

An online timer is a simple enough program. All you need to do is to simply tell it just how long you will allow your child to be online. (“Using Parental Control Wisely – Filthfilter”) There are several types of settings that you can select from, in most cases. “You can choose to limit how much time your child goes online each time they do get online.” (“Parental control -_how_to_check_your_kids!”)

Or you can determine how many hours they can be online for each day and limit them. In addition, you can even limit how many times they can be online during a week, if you like. (“Using Parental Control Wisely – Filthfilter”) You can limit the number of times that your child can get on the web as well as how long they are allowed to stay there.

You determine how much time your child gets online. Once you set this number, when their time is up, the software or internet service provider tells them so. (“NEW PLR – “Instilling the Right Values PLR Ebook” Download!!”) If they do not sign off themselves, the provider will do it for them, helping you to enforce the rules that you have set in place. (“Using Parental Control Wisely – Filthfilter”) In most cases, this is a free service as part of the software you purchased. If it is not provided, then get it and start giving yourself an extra hand of protection even when you are not home. (“NEW PLR – “Instilling the Right Values PLR Ebook” Download!!”)

Parental Control That Extends Beyond Your Internet

Parental Control

Did you know that kids are crafty creatures? You may think you have them protected online with the use of parental controls. You have done an excellent job at making sure that the controls are fair but that they are in place to help your child to do well throughout their time online. (“Parental Control That Extends Beyond Your Internet Service …”)

Most importantly, you believe your child is safe now that they are online and using the web. The problem is that your child may know a way to getting around those controls and therefore may be able to avoid doing so. (“Parental Control That Extends Beyond Your Internet Service …”)

How Your Child Can Get Around Your Control

Teens are especially crafty, but do not put it past your older child to do this as well. The fact is that children learn things about how to do what they want to do online whether it is at school or just through friends. It happens and you should not believe your child is protected when he or she may not be. (“Parental Control That Extends Beyond Your Internet Service …”)

What happens is simple. While your parental controls may work for your internet service provider, you child may be using another software that is already installed on your computer to get around them. What is more is that their other electronic software may also contain the ability to get online without you even realizing it. (“Parental control -_how_to_check_your_kids!”)

Such programs as Internet Explorer, Netscape and others are one of the easiest ways to get around parental controls. Other elements such as instant messaging that is done outside of the internet service provider, such as with a different program, chat rooms, forums and even file sharing programs are out there. What is more is that their handheld gaming systems are now able to get online in some cases.

There Is Hope, Though

The good news is that there are parental control products on the market that can still protect you from many of these services. The first thing to do is to learn what opportunities your child must get online around your internet service provider. (“Parental Control That Extends Beyond Your Internet Service …”)

Find out how they are getting online simply by watching or talking to them. Then, look for the right product on the market that will help you to limit their access to the internet across all boards. You may be one of the lucky ones that has an internet service provider that provides this type of protection to your child through their service. If not, find out how these parental controls work and use them. (“Parental Control That Extends Beyond Your Internet Service …”)

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist

See Tomorrow: “Parental Control: Should I Create a Screen Name for My Child?”


Parental Control Check Your Kids

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