Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression

Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression: Don’t fall Victim to the ‘Sugar Rush’. 

Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression: Don’t fall Victim to the ‘Sugar Rush’. When we are feeling depressed or unhappy in general, we tend to comfort eat and junk food is the thing we most frequently go for.

It gives us an almost immediate ‘high’ and we feel quite a bit better – temporarily.

Within a relatively short space of time, however, the ‘low’ begins and we end up feeling as bad or even somewhat worse than we did before the sugar.

Eating too much sugar not only adds weight, something many depressed people struggle with, but also, it causes poor memory and learning difficulties along with other health issues.

Basically, in the long run, sugar will make you feel far worse regarding your depression, and it simply isn’t worth it. Of course, we all need a certain amount of sugar, but not in massive quantities or on a regular basis.

Be sure to check food labels too, as ‘low in fat’ usually means ‘high in sugar’ to compensate for the difference.

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