Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression

Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression: A Checklist for You

Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression: A Checklist for You.

Establish a regular routine of going to bed and getting up at the same time.

Be physically active – little by little

Don’t fall victim to seeking the ‘sugar rush’

Get 20 minutes of sun each day for Vitamin D

Get regular Magnesium – e.g. powdered or supplements

Have a little dark chocolate daily

Get regular Omega-3 – e.g. Fish oil tablets or eating fish

Get enough Vitamin B-12 – e.g. in supplements

Keep away from alcohol – you won’t feel better with it

Try and eat well – bananas and other protein-based foods are a start

Stay away from things which make you sad and keep negative people at bay too.

And finally: Asking for help with your depression is okay!

If you feel suicidal or think your depression is getting the better of you, please call your local Mental Health Hotline or Helpline for advice. Most have services available 24 hours a day.

The Australian companies Blackmores and Cenovis both have reputations for high quality vitamins and supplements at reasonable prices. You can speak to staff at a chemist or pharmacy for advice about quality brands available, or alternatively, you can order the brand of your choice online

Regards, Coyalita

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