Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression

Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression: Bananas and Protein-Based foods will Help in the Fight – True or False?

Natural Ways to Help Manage Your Depression: Bananas and Protein-Based foods will Help in the Fight – True or False? Although bananas have been thought to treat depression, this is not the case.

It is, however, true that they can help you in your battle against the disease, as can other foods which have good amounts of protein in them, such as eggs and beef.

Bananas alone, however, do not help any more significantly than any other food containing tryptophan, which is a chemical aiding in increasing serotonin levels.

Bananas will not harm you in any way, but they are not the magical ‘treatment and cure’ for depression that they have been touted to be.

They certainly do have some vitamin and nutritional positives about them, but if you are looking for tryptophan to help the chemical levels of your brain, you would be far better served to o for foods which are high in protein as they will help with all-round better health.


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