Is there really any reason why we should actually have homeless people and families within our American society? If there is then please help me to understand why… we are one of the riches nations on the planet and yet there are families, abandoned children and elderly starving, ragged, and without much help on our streets. Why is that?

Have you ever visited a soup line kitchen? How about the Salvation Army where only a handful of people are allowed to stay there overnight in the most deplorable conditions and then they are kicked out back into the streets at first light the next morning.

Our American people are living under bridges! They have no food, no blankets in winter, no decent clothes and we walk or drive by and look a them and either shake our heads or look the other way! Why is that?

Have we truly become such a heartless nation that we allow our homeless people to go hungry and be treated in such a manner?

What do you do when you walk by a homeless person, do you stop and offer them money, do you go across the street or down the street and perhaps purchase ‘food or coffee / hot chocolate on a winter’s day?

When was the last time that you tried to help a homeless person as you pass by?

Have you ever been hungry cold and had nowhere to go?

Sometimes we become so involved in our own affairs that we forget we are not alone in this world and for those of us who have experienced homelessness we should be more giving of those that are not as fortunate as ourselves.

Help someone today, and when you do think about how you feel, do you feel better more content and satisfied within? Yes it’s a very good feeling.

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