Eating Disorders Personal View

Eating Disorders Personal View


Eating Disorders Personal View considering my own work as a counselor, I think that MBCT matches extraordinarily well with my perceived style and correlates with what I believe to be effective when it comes to counseling treatment for eating disorders.

With my personal eating disorder treatment, I found that MBCT and practicing yoga worked best for me. “Throughout my recovery and still today, I embrace mindfulness and strive toward being present with my thoughts and way of being.” (“”)

I incorporate various MBCT techniques such as meditation and yoga into my everyday life and have found them to be extremely effective in increasing my life satisfaction. (“”)

“After years of practice, I have noticed I have a greater sense of self and am able to deal with stressors and negative occurrences in a healthier way, viewing such instances with a flexible and accepting mindset.” (“”)

“Looking back on my experience, I remember being extremely insecure and never felt comfortable in my own skin.” (“”)

“I have always been a perfectionist, so that heightened my self-criticism as an adolescent.” (“”) This personality trait along with my body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem were all risk factors that led to the onset of my eating disorder.

Eating Disorders

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist

See Tomorrow: “Counseling Interventions”

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