Childhood Maladies

Childhood Maladies

Growing Pains Really Do Exist

Childhood Maladies Growing Pains Really Do Exist While most of us may think of ‘growing pains’ as just a term thrown around without any real basis there really is such a thing as “growing pains”.

Studies show that 25-40% of children really do experience ‘growing pains’. These growing pains are most likely to appear between the ages of 3-5 or 8-12 and these pains are normally felt in the calve area of the legs.’

These pains will usually occur in the afternoon or at night. Some children may go to bed without any pain but wake up in the night with leg pains, however they will be gone by morning.


These growing pains affect the muscle area rather than the bones or joints. One of biggest reason kids will get these ‘growing pains’ is because of all the activity they have been doing during the day, such as running, climbing or jumping which tire the muscles.

Some kids may experience growing pains when they are going through a growth spurt. This occurs because the tendons or muscles are too tight and are not in sync with the growth of the bones.

This may cause muscle spasms that could last for up to 15 minutes. If a growth spurt is causing the pain, they will normally experience pain in both legs. ‘If the pain persists after arising then there could be something else causing the pain and a visit to the doctor may be needed.


If the child is in a lot of pain and can’t be relieved by over-the-counter treatments such as heating pads, ibuprofen or Tylenol or if the pain is accompanied by swelling, fever or redness then something more serious is wrong and you should take them to a doctor.

The doctor will examine your child’s medical history and conduct an examination. In some serious cases, the doctor may advise us to take X-rays or a blood test before a final decision can be made.

If your child is getting a lot of growing pains, you should encourage them to do some daily stretching exercises. The exercise should be continued even after the pain subsides in an effort to help prevent the pains from coming back.

You’ll also want to be sure your child drinks plenty of fluids as this can help decrease painful cramping. It’s also a good idea to give them some water before they go to bed.

Regards, Coyalita

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