Can There Be Marriage After Infidelity?

“When you get married, you are there to commit to another person body and soul.” (“Can There Be Marriage After Infidelity? –”)

You get married under the assumption that you will be together forever and faithful. There is just one problem with that. What do you do if you or your partner has been unfaithful? Is it even possible to work through that?

Most people would hear these questions and automatically say no. it is a given right? (“Can There Be Marriage After Infidelity? –”) Well, the truth of the matter is that infidelity can be worked out; however, it takes much more than a desire.

Working out a relationship after infidelity occurs can be difficult and impossible for most people. The fact of the matter is that although we can try to forgive a spouse for cheating, we will never forget it and that is when divorce becomes a thought.

Fights will happen and continue to happen after someone has cheated in a marriage, but they do not have to. Spouses that want to work through an infidelity can if they think first of why the act happened in the first place. The cheating spouse is naturally wrong and committed a great wrong to the marriage, however often it is because of an existing problem in the marriage.

Both spouses must be willing to admit that they each play a role in the problem and that it was not necessarily a premeditated act of betrayal. Infidelity rarely is. There are many different things that you can do to work out infidelity. Let us look at these right now:

  • Communicate and listen to everything that the cheating spouse has to say and understand that you are being given reasons for the cheating and not excuses.
  • Do not view the cheating as an attack on you, but the desperate plea that it is
  • Seek couples therapy to help you get to the heart of the problem in the marriage
  • “Take some special time out for you to spend time with only each other to try and rekindle what your relationship had in the beginning.” (“Can There Be Marriage After Infidelity? –”)

There are many more things that can be done to work through a cheating spouse, but these tips are the most important.

How to Manage Life After Divorce

Many couples have been able to successful get over this problem, but it takes willingness on both sides. When a partner cheats it is usually because of a major problem that has festered for a long time.

Communicating regularly and working through your problems when they come up can prevent just this sort of thing from happening. (“Can There Be Marriage After Infidelity? –”) Divorce does not have to deal with this problem. “Not if both partners are willing to listen and talk with one another.” (“Can There Be Marriage After Infidelity? –”)

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehab Specialist

See Tomorrow: “Stop Your Divorce After You’ve Separated”

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