Advisory: Low Barrier Models Of Care For Substance Use Disorders

Advisory: Low Barrier Models Of Care For Substance Use Disorders

Advisory: Low Barrier Models Of Care For Substance Use Disorders – Despite robust evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of medications and psychosocial treatment interventions for substance use disorders (SUDs), less than 10 percent of people who need treatment have sustained access to care.

In 2021, only 22.1 percent of people with a past year opioid use disorder (OUD) reported receiving medications for the treatment of their opioid misuse, and only 6.3 percent of people with a past year illicit drug or alcohol use disorder reported receiving any substance use treatment.1 SUDs continue to pose a significant public health challenge.

Most people who could benefit from treatment do not receive it due to systemic barriers and access issues which are even greater for historically underserved communities.


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