9 Quick and Easy Mindfulness Practices

9 Quick and Easy Mindfulness Practices


9 Quick and Easy Mindfulness PracticesAnchoring – Anchoring is coming back to the felt sense or the embodied experience of the body. It means getting grounded in the embodied experience which is the basis of all of your experiences.

Usually you live in your head, always thinking and identifying with thinking.

You forget you also have a body.

One way to pay attention to the felt sense of the body is through noticing physical sensations.

Not by thinking or visualizing about them, but by feeling them.

Bring your attention to the sense of touch at the bottom of your feet if you are standing or sitting on a chair with feet touching the ground.

Bring your attention to the back of the heel if you are lying down.

Your feet or the back of the heel is usually pressed against the shoe or the floor or the bed.

Notice this sensation of touch, contact or pressure is also present in this moment along with thinking.

Continue to feel these sensations for a few moments.

Move your attention to the buttocks touching the chair or the bed. If you are sitting on a chair or lying on the bed.

Notice the sensations of touch/contact/pressure that is also present in this moment besides thinking.

Continue to feel those sensations for a few moments.

If standing up, move your attention to the feet and lower legs.

How do they feel? Light or heavy? Numb or ticklish? Cool or warm?

There is no right or wrong way to feel, just noticing the presence or absence of sensations.

The objective is to pay attention.

You can explore many other sensations of touch that are always present along with everything else.

How can this practice be helpful?

As we discussed earlier, normally you are lost in thoughts and when lost in thoughts you are prone to worry, rumination and anxiety.

When you pay attention to the felt sense of the body, you are not likely to worry, ruminate or become anxious.

You are also practicing paying attention and being in the present mode.


Regards, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Addiction Counselor

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