7 Types of Fear

7 Types of Fear

7 Types of Fear Fear of Failure can have tangible repercussions such as material or financial loss as well as emotional consequences such as the loss of reputation, respect, and self-pride.

In most cases, the emotional associations come into play more to hold us back. Failure is associated with negative qualities like incompetence, inexperience, poor skills, low intelligence, and other qualities that cause emotional distress.

How it holds you back

Quite simply, nobody wants to be regarded as a loser. This is why the fear of failure leads to three negative and debilitating habits:



Inability to make timely decisions

It’s not hard to see how these three habits can hold you back from seizing new opportunities, taking initiatives, and embracing challenges, all of which can help you function at your best and achieve success.

What’s more, the fear of failure saps your self-confidence. The more it keeps you stuck in place, the more you become convinced that you don’t have what it takes to do any better. It’s a vicious and very crippling cycle.

Action steps

Highly successful people have a unique mindset. Firstly, they don’t acknowledge the word ‘failure’ but rather, refer to it as a setback.

Secondly, they see setbacks as challenges that can always be overcome. That’s what makes successful people great! You can develop this mindset and conquer your fear of failure with the following strategies:

Reframe past failures

We’re often ashamed of our past failures and avoid reflecting on them. But reframing past failures can decrease your fears.

Firstly, remind yourself that you may have made some very big mistakes in the past – but so has everyone else on the planet.

Secondly, reflect on how your mistakes are part of who you are
today. For better or worse, they’ve shaped your character and they’ve made you wiser and stronger.

Finally, reflect on the lessons learned and how they’ve helped you avoid making the same mistakes again.

Reframe and reflect on your past failures in this way and you’ll begin to see that failure can have a positive effect.

Learn new skills

These can be skills related to your career, tech skills, or communication and listening skills to improve your
relationships, leadership skills and so on. The goal is to give your self-confidence a big boost.

Having a varied toolset of skills and expertise gives you the confidence to be more proactive and eager to take initiatives to improve yourself and your life. This strategy is a huge fear of failure buster.

 Reflect on your greatness

Reflect on your special skills and talents that make you unique from everyone else. This is a great exercise to engage in when you’re procrastinating or overthinking.

These unique skills would be a great creative mind, powerful analytical skills, great people skills and so on. Celebrate your unique qualities as often as you can because it’s the best way to overcome negative self-talk and tell yourself that you can do anything well if you put your mind to it.

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Regards, Coyalita

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