5 Vital Questions to Get Your Ex Back

5 Vital Questions to Get Your Ex Back

5 Vital Questions to Get Your Ex Back going through a breakup is never easy. It comes with its own unique set of emotions. Let us assume, because you are reading this, that you have recently gone through a breakup and may be considering making up.

But before you jump in headfirst, there are a few questions you should answer first:

Have you really changed? It does not matter why the breakup happened; you were at fault. There were things you could have done differently; better. If you try to get back together without anything changing, then you are going to eventually end up where you were before…split up.

As much as you may wish to change your ex, you cannot. You can only change yourself. However, you cannot fake this in the hopes of fooling your ex into wanting you back. So, you not only need to ask if you have changed, but also how you have changed.

Have they really changed? True, you cannot change them, but at the same time they should have made some changes before you will seriously consider getting back with them. Assuming they have not changed, will you really be able to manage it? Are you sure?

The problem here is that your judgment can be foggy after a breakup, making you view the past as better than it was. You must be able to stand back and ask if you are able to accept your ex as they are now.

Is it worth the hassle? Do not kid yourself, if you want to get back with your ex, it is going to take some work. Some challenging work. It is okay if you do not want to put in the work it takes, but that also means you will be moving on to another relationship.

It makes more sense to be honest about your commitment now, than it is to invest needless energy in a fruitless endeavor.

Where did it go wrong? Do not be too quick to answer this question, lest you get a misleading answer. Take the time to analyze what caused the breakup.

You will also need to uncover any underlying issues. Understanding where things went wrong is the first step to getting on the road to making up successfully.

Who is the boss? You? Your ex? Gotcha! That is a trick question. A good relationship takes two people. A fantastic relationship is greater than the sum of its parts. Be willing to communicate, to share, and do what it takes for the sake of the relationship.

You may not know the answers to all these questions, or you may not be able to answer them completely. It does not matter. What counts is that you try answering them honestly.

Regards, Coyalita

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