Supplements for Diabetics


Supplements for Diabetics- Herbs Bitter Melon: As the name implies it’s not something easy to take. It’s a cucumber-like plant…

Supplements for Diabetics

Supplements for Diabetics– Herbs Bitter Melon: As the name implies it’s not something easy to take. It’s a cucumber-like plant that grows in Asia, South America and Africa.

It’s strength lies in its ability to lower blood sugar. Just 2 ounces of the juice was shown to improve glucose levels in 73% of type 2 diabetics.

Gymnema Sylvestre: It’s a plant that grows in tropical regions of India and was often used to treat both type 1 an 2 diabetics. In one study 400 mg of Gymnema extract was given to 22 type 2 diabetic patients along with their oral medications.


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