10 Ways Fight Off Cancer

10 Ways Fight Off Cancer

The Best Tips On How To Keep This Killer At Bay

10 Ways Fight Off Cancer A Few Less Drinks Watch the Alcohol Drinking alcoholic beverages step-ups the danger of mouth & throat cancer (larynx and pharynx), esophageal cancer, intestine cancer (colon and rectum), liver cancer and female breast cancer.

Cancer web sites related to alcohol say it’s not just heavy boozing – even little amounts of alcoholic beverages increase risk, but the more you drink, the higher the risk.

In spite of some grounds that drinking regular, little amounts of alcohol (e.g. red wine) might reduce heart disease in older adults, there are no grounds that alcohol helps protect you from any sort of cancer.

Your risk of cancer is the same for all forms of alcoholic beverages including beer, wine and spirits.

How much should you drink?

To bring down the chance of cancer, you should confine your consumption of alcoholic beverages or, better still, avoid it all together.

For those who do drink alcoholic beverages, we advocate no more than 2 standard drinks a day.

We likewise advocate those who drink prevent binge drinking (an exclusive occasion of heavy drinking over a curt period of time) and have at least 1 or 2 alcohol-free days every week.

Ideas for drinking less

If you decide to drink:

Switch alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones like sparkling or plain water (soda, lime and bitters is a great option instead of alcohol).

Consume some food when you drink alcoholic beverages. Think of a glass of wine or beer as something to have with a meal instead of on its own.

Cut alcoholic drinks, for instance, try a shandy (beer and lemonade) or white wine and mineral water.

Pick a low-alcohol (or no-alcohol) beer and/or wine.

Utilize water to quench your thirst and sip alcohol- dependent drinks slowly.

Propose to be the designated driver when you go out so you drink less, but make certain you stay under the legal limit.

Regards, Coyalita

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