10 Romantic Things to Do for Your Boyfriend

10 Romantic Things to Do for Your Boyfriend

10 Romantic Things to Do for Your Boyfriend We hear all the time how important it is to keep romance alive in a relationship, and that’s not bad advice. There are lots of romantic things to do for your boyfriend, but to find just the right things for him all you need to do is consider what he likes and does not like.

Guys are not always as easy to please as the sexy lingerie store ads would have you believe. Sure, many guys would love you to seduce him wearing some sexy lingerie, but that does not mean that that is the only thing that will make him feel like he is special to you.

That is what he really wants… to be your hero and feel like he is your superman. There are many things you can do that will make him feel like a king whether it is his birthday or just for the heck of it.

Here are some ideas you may want to consider. Just find one, or more, that you think your boyfriend will really appreciate:

  1. Prepare his favorite meal. Make a romantic candlelight dinner. You can have soft music playing in the background and both of you can get dressed up.
  1. Get him a gift certificate for a massage, or better yet, give him one yourself.
  1. Take him on a picnic or stargazing. This can be a fantastic way for the two of you to spend some quality time together without a lot of noise and distractions.
  1. Take him to a vineyard for a wine tasting event if he really likes trying and learning more about wine.
  1. Buy tickets for his favorite teams next home game, for both of you. Nothing says “I love you” like doing something that the other person really enjoys especially if it is not really something you are into.
  1. Spritz a little of your perfume, the one he absolutely loves, on his shirt. Not too much though, you do not want his friends to tease him about wearing perfume, just a little bit so he can have the scent of you all day long.
  1. Make sure that you always give him a warm kiss whenever the two of you are heading off in different directions. That is another way he will be thinking of you all day long.
  1. Spend some time playing video games with him. This is a wonderful way of letting him know that he is important to you and so is his happiness, that you want to be a part of the things he likes to do.
  1. Put a love note in his backpack or briefcase so he can be surprised by it during the day. Tell him you will be thinking about him and that you cannot wait until he gets home to you.
  1. Send him some flowers at work. Sure, he might be a little embarrassed, but he will be more flattered than embarrassed, and this is a terrific way of telling everyone in his office that you love him and that you are thinking about him, and that will make him feel like a million dollars.

Use these ideas to get started, but you know your boyfriend and you know what he likes. If you really want to know what romantic things to do for your boyfriend just figure out the things that he really enjoys and go from there.

Regards, Coyalita

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