Healing the Symptoms of What Is Known as Autism

Healing the Symptoms of What Is Known as Autism

Healing the Symptoms of What Is Known as Autism – Autism, not the one described by Kanner in 1943, but the one that we see today diagnosed in 1 of 50 kids is a combination of immune disorders that need to be treated biomedically.

There is a lot that we still need to understand about why and how these immune dysfunctions affect our kids’ development, causing near complete impairment of their social interaction and communication.

There is a long, hard road ahead to fully comprehend the integrated system that comprises “autism,” but our kids cannot wait. It takes more than just medical, professional, or even scientific interests working hard day and night to find a suitable and effective solution to help our kids.

It takes drive, passion, and guts to do the right thing; to hear and read the overwhelming stories of parents from all over the world and not turn our backs, but help. It takes an eternal and extreme will to help, even when your own child is on the spectrum.

Kerri’s protocols have been indispensable to the full recovery of many of the kids in our Curando el Autismo (CEA) Foundation. These protocols represent a readily available and effective solution to alleviate most of the pathogenic insults to the immune system.

Years from now, when “autism” diagnoses do not exist, when we find ourselves fully knowledgeable about the now mysterious immune-brain-behavior connection, I will remember Kerri not only as a friend but as one of the first courageous leaders that dared to change the path for our ill kids. She goes against all odds, sharing knowledge, experience and simply making it happen.

“Based on parent reports, the prevalence of diagnosed ASD in  2011–2012 was estimated to be 2.00% for children aged 6–17. This prevalence estimate (1 in 50) is significantly higher than the estimate (1.16%, or 1 in 86) for children in that age group in 2007.”(US Department of Health & Human Services National Health Statistics Reports Number 65, Pg. 2 – March 20, 2013 www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr065.pd.)

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Welcome to the Second Edition of Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism! We are absolutely thrilled to share with you the latest protocol updates and everything else that has happened since May, 2013.

As of January 2014, we again are sharing the latest updates, as well as a whole lot more information that we hope will be as interesting and beneficial to you as it was to us.

Here are some of the exciting new additions:

Olive Kaiser of www.GlutenSyndrome.net has written a section on gluten and its role in molecular mimicry and autoimmunity. Since many of you are not new to the autism community, a gluten free diet for your children is nothing new.

However, you may be interested to find out just how damaging gluten can be for folks who are off the spectrum as well.

Scott McRae has contributed a chapter on CDH (Chlorine Dioxide Holding [Solution]). A new method of preparing chlorine dioxide that many families are now using with success. This gives us an even wider variety of preparations available to accommodate the needs of our families.

The Kalcker Parasite Protocol chapter now has some beautiful charts that spell out the timing of all the components for the 18 days a month that a child will be on the parasite protocol. Thanks to Dan Bender, a lot of the confusion surrounding how to make it all fit will be cleared up. You will also find years of lunar calendars to make it easy to see when the protocol is active. You won’t have to check Google again to see when the full or new moon is coming.

• The “Worm Whisperer” Robin Goffe shares with us part of her journey towards healing for her 19-year-old son. Her advice is for the Extreme Cases—Self Injurious behavior, aggression, violence, etc. If you are the parent of an older child on the spectrum, or a child who displays these behaviors, or you know someone who is living with a child like this, you owe it to yourself to read Robin’s suggestions. They are full of hope and wisdom.

• The one and only Marco Ruggiero, lead researcher on GcMAF, (Gc Macrophage Activating Factor—an immune system supplement) has written an entire chapter on GcMAF and its applications for autism. A must read.

• Last but not least, a whole new crop of testimonials that will make you cry. If after reading this book you still have doubts about giving this protocol a chance, I highly recommend you revisit these testimonials.

If I had to pick one part of the book that was my absolute favorite, this would be it. It may be because I collect a lot of them, and usually have a little correspondence with the families to get their permission, and genuinely get to feel their excitement, their sense of accomplishment when they see their child start to heal, and not to mention their endless gratitude for being able heal their own children.

I pray that all of these testimonials find their way to the people who need them and as a result children stop suffering because their parents see them reflected in those words and understand that if other children can heal, their children can as well.

To me, there is nothing more real than hearing from someone that has walked a mile in your shoes. There is nothing more inspiring that to hear someone say, “I know it’s possible, because I did it, I lived it, and I am here to tell you about it.

The families that courageously walked this path and then took the time to share their stories are pioneers and heroes to their own families and to our entire community and beyond.

They are blazing a trail for others to follow and countless lives will benefit from their diligence, fortitude and dedication. The stories of healing come from all over the world… from children and adults of all ages.

We hope that they move you as much as they moved us. We are eternally grateful for the service these families have provided to humanity and thankful that they were generous enough to take the time out of their lives to pay it forward and share.

The book now as an extensive index making it much easier to use as a reference.

As of this printing, families are healing their children with autism using this protocol in over 58 countries! Our Facebook groups have over 3,500 members in many of these countries.

CD officially knows no borders. It is absolutely thrilling to us that people are coming together with the common goal of healing their children themselves, and to help others do the same! It fills our hearts with joy to be a part of this and to be able to see and feel the love that is shared every single day.

The development of this protocol has been a growing grass roots effort, in sharp contrast to how modern medicine usually works. The reason for this is clear: Modern medicine has not really helped to heal autism and may very well be part of its cause. While we don’t have any double blind studies to rest on, we do have a slew of anecdotal evidence, which may not mean much to those in the arena of modern medicine or modern science, that doesn’t make it any less real.

Time and time again, our results—children dropping ATEC points—are being duplicated by families all over the world. For a family who is using this protocol, there is absolutely nothing more real than watching their child come back to them.

Ask any autism parent what they would rather have… a long-term double-blind study published in a peer reviewed journal… or a healthy child. My money’s on the latter.

As exciting as it is to be a part of this, and as wonderful as it is to hear about gains and read uplifting testimonials, we know there are still families working to heal children that are very sick, andour groups share the highs as well as the lows. Kerri will tell you that some months are better than others and the gains ebb and flow. I urge you to read and reread the testimonials. These are real stories of real healing and if you haven’t already, I invite you to believe that your child can be one of the success stories in those testimonial pages.

All of our families are proving what many were told was impossible: Children with the symptoms known as autism can heal! This grass roots movement is creating a paradigm shift in the way the world views healing from autism.

The second edition of this book will be translated into at least 13 languages including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Flemish, German, Czech, Norwegian, Arabic, Polish, Italian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Serbian. This is exciting. This is real. And this is a living protocol.

Every family that uses it every single day is helping to shape the future and heal the children who are affected today, and quite possibly prevent children from becoming affected tomorrow. For this we are eternally grateful.

Here’s to you and the continued healing of humanity, Kim.

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Regards, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Addiction Counselor

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