Self-Improvement Made Easy Attitudes…

Self-Improvement Made Easy Attitudes, Beliefs and Behavior Determine Goals


Self-Improvement Made Easy Attitudes, Beliefs and Behavior Determine Goals There are three principal elements for your personal and professional success:

(1) the attitude that you have toward your personal and professional life,

(2) the beliefs you model your personal and business life around, and

(3) the behavior that you have towards yourself and others.

These three elements are tightly connected and interwoven and can either make or break the personal and professional confidence with which you set, and meet, your goals.

Let us break these three elements down even further.

  • Attitudes: Attitudes are the ways that you react to situations, and to people, based on the assumptions and the beliefs that you have learned.
  • Beliefs: Your beliefs are the conjectures that you make about yourself, other people, and situations. Your beliefs are based on what you think and how you think things are. Your beliefs will make you react the way that you do and cause your expectations to remain within a certain framework of thoughts.
  • Behaviors: Your behavior is how you implement the attitudes that you have adopted towards situations and people.

When people positively change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors they open the doors to new possibilities. Life success depends on the ability to change and be willing to learn new ways of thinking and doing things.

One of the techniques that successful people use to change their behavior is to model their personal and professional beliefs on someone in their field whom they admire and respect.

Who is it that they admire and respect? When people find someone who is successful in a way that they themselves define success, they need to look at what these successful people are doing and how they are doing it.

Another thing that people should concentrate on is to ask themselves with whom they are mixing. If people find that they are spending time with other people who would not be defined as successful, then they need to start mixing with those people who do define success and are leading successful professional lives.

This does not mean that you leave behind those people in your life who have chosen poor goals. It only means that you start mixing with those people that have an attitude towards their life that is positive and winning.

What this means for you is that you encourage positive leadership and modeling in your life so that you can succeed and achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. Goals are personal to every individual, so it is up to you to set the bar when it comes to your attitude and determination.


Goals: The Wheel of Life


One useful tool for goal setting is to imagine the modern wheel of life as it applies to you. The wheel of life lets you know how you are doing in all the areas of your life and helps you build a sense of purpose that rests on balancing your goals.

What that means is that the wheel of life can be a useful visualization exercise that can be a powerful tool for achieving purpose and balance in your life. The wheel of life depicted as a pie brings a power of purpose which can lead to motivation and success.

A sense of purpose is a sense of certainty about something or a strong belief that makes us act. When we say that someone has a sense of purpose, we usually mean that person has a drive that propels them to action. It is no accident that those people with the greatest sense of purpose often accomplish the most. A powerful sense of purpose is like a sharp sword; it cuts through lethargy, passivity, and obstacles in your way.

If you have an intense sense of purpose then all your life’s resources, such as your talents and education, go towards accomplishing your goals.

Purpose motivates you but it also provides you with a sharp focus that prevents you from becoming distracted and wasting away your time and energy.

In many ways your purpose, the center of your wheel of life, is the key to your entire wheel of life but most people take no time to define their purpose and make no effort to coordinate their wheel of life.

Many people set their monthly, daily, and weekly goals, and usually achieve them, but their goals are scattered and do not lead to larger goals or a real sense of satisfaction.

Having a wheel of life with a purpose at its core is like having a well-developed road map with a destination in view. As you continue along the road all shorter-term goals move you closer to your larger goal. With a strong purpose at the center your wheel of life works together.

As you move towards your major purpose, and the goals connected with it, each area of your life grows and is strengthened. Having a purpose and goals makes your wheel of life complete. It lets you see what you are headed towards and why.

It can also let you know whether all areas of your life are proceeding as they should. Goal setting is crucial so that you can combine all the aspects of your wheel of life and achieve your dreams.

Best Wishes, Coyalita

See Tomorrow: “Goals and Motivation”

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