Safeguarding the Health of The Elderly


Safeguarding the Health of The Elderly

We are living in a fast and materialistic world. People are concerned with materialistic pleasures and very often get their priorities wrong. They neglect their health and their relationships with their family, a consequence of leading a fast-paced life. (“Handling Health Issues Of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”)

However, there are some responsibilities in life that an individual cannot neglect, and that is to care for the elders in your family. This is a special role of a caregiver that you must undertake, to look after your elderly parents or a relative. (“Handling Health Issues of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”)

It is an extremely rewarding experience, one that will remain with you in the future in the form of pleasant memories. Caring for the elderly is not an easy task and it can bring a significant amount of stress and worry upon the caregiver. (“Blogger – ELDERLY”) The challenging work is compounded if the person is infirm or disabled.

We often take our own health for granted and neglect to take care of ourselves. However, if we have the responsibility to look after our elderly parents, we must consider many factors, and this includes their health. Here are a few tips that can help to safeguard the health of the elders in your care. (“Handling Health Issues Of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”)

  • Diet:

“Maintaining a healthy and suitable diet in respect of the elderly is of utmost importance.” (“Handling Health Issues of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”) The older people are prone to illness more often than others and a healthy, nutritionally complete diet can keep illness at bay. Avoid substantial amounts of fat and salt in the diet as this slows down any recoveries from illness. (“Blogger – ELDERLY”)

Too much salt makes the circulatory system sluggish, and fats can clog arteries. Instead, the diet should contain plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for the regeneration of tissues. (“Handling Health Issues Of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”) Ensure that they get enough fiber in their diet to promote bowel movement.

  • Mental Health:

The state of the mental health of the elderly individuals is a great concern for the caregiver. One must make sure that they are comfortable in their surroundings. Setting a routine will help them relax and give them a sense of being a part of the family life. (“Handling Health Issues of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”) The elderly is trying to cope with the changes happening in their lives; this may cause some depression or anxiety that should be taken care of with a little understanding and compassion.

  • Physical Health:

As a caregiver, you must ensure that the elderly in your care get regular health checkups. (“ELDERLY”) Any changes should be brought to the notice of the doctor immediately. “This will help to diagnose problems quickly and the routine of the health checks will help the individual to relax and thus improve the general health.” (“ELDERLY”)

  • Exercise:

“It may not be possible for all elderly individuals to exercise as this depends on their physical conditions.” (“Handling Health Issues of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”) However, 15 to 20 minutes of gentle exercise can work wonders for their general wellbeing. Walking around the supermarket, walking the dog, or gardening can be an exercise for the elders. (“ELDERLY”)

The elderly in your care can be taken outdoors as often as possible as this can help to break the monotony of being confined to the house. Any outdoor activity will help to stretch the joints to reduce stiffness or immobility and raise their spirits, thus improving their overall health. (“Handling Health Issues of The Elderly – 4 Top Factors To …”)

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist

See Tomorrow: “Protecting the Elders from Scams and Rip-Offs”

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